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- Extrait de The Washington Visual Double Star Catalog, 1996.0 (Worley+, 1996)
- Organisation du catalogue :
- Les Θtoiles sont rΘparties dans 50 zones de 30x30 degrΘs selon le mΩme
- principe que les grandes rΘgions du Guide Star Catalog .
- ( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087)
- dΘclinaison nombre numΘro de la
- du centre de zones premiΦre zone
- ------------- ------------ --------------
- 15 12 1
- 45 9 13
- 75 4 22
- -15 12 26
- -45 9 38
- -75 4 47
- Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
- Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
- WDSrec = record ar,de,dm :longint ;
- date1,date2,pa1,pa2,sep1,sep2,ma,mb : smallint;
- id : array[1..7] of char;
- comp : array[1..5] of char;
- sp : array[1..9] of char;
- note : array[1..2] of char;
- end;
- - ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- - de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000
- - dm : zone et numΘro BD
- - date1 : date de la premiΦre observation
- - date2 : date de la deuxiΦme observation
- - pa1 : angle de position pour date1
- - pa2 : angle de position pour date2
- - sep1 : sΘparation en secondes pour date1 * 10
- - sep2 : sΘparation en secondes pour date2 * 10
- - ma : magnitude du premier composent * 100
- - mb : magnitude du second composent * 100
- - id : identification de l'Θtoile
- - comp : identification des composents
- - sp : classe spectrale
- - note : Notes
- Type Intervalle Format
- ------------ -------------------------- -------------------
- Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
- SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
- Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
- Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
- Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
- Description originale du catalogue :
- I/237 The Washington Visual Double Star Catalog, 1996.0 (Worley+, 1996)
- ================================================================================
- The Washington Visual Double Star Catalog, 1996.0
- Worley C.E., Douglass G.G.
- <US Naval Observatory (1996); Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 125, 523 (1997)>
- =1997A&AS..125..523W
- ================================================================================
- ADC_Keywords: Stars, double and multiple ; Positional data
- Description:
- The Washington Visual Double Star Catalog, 1996.0 (WDS) is the
- successor to the catalog of the same name dated 1984 <I/107>.
- The WDS is intended to contain all known visual double stars for which
- at least one differential measure has been published through the end
- of 1995. It includes a discoverer code, the date of the first and last
- observations, the number of observations, the position angle and
- separation for the first and last observation, the magnitudes and
- spectral types of the components (when available) the proper motion of
- the system, Durchmusterung numbers of the components and notes for
- further information.
- Introduction:
- The reader is reminded that the WDS is not inclusive of all pairs which
- have been more casually noted, although it does, in fact, include some
- of them. The data base upon which the present WDS rests consists of the
- approximately 180000 measures transferred from the Lick Observatory in
- 1965, which, with few exceptions, covered the interval 1927-1963,
- augmented by all subsequent measures (about 118000), and some 154000
- pre-1927 means. These latter are the result of a continuing project to
- build a truly comprehensive and complete data base. Thus, approximately
- 452000 individual means, representing over a million individual
- observations, form the basic material from which the WDS is constructed.
- We have not included a small amount of data because of unresolved
- questions concerning it. The WDS contains 78100 double stars, counting,
- as did the IDS, multiple components in the same system as separate
- pairs. Comparison of the present catalog with its IDS predecessor will
- reveal that a considerable number (about 1000) of previously catalogued
- objects have been removed from the WDS in the process of editing the
- data. The most common reason for removal is that the object is not
- certainly double.
- We wish to emphasize that the WDS is not intended to be an "astrometric"
- catalog in the sense usually employed, but rather is to be considered a
- finding list for observers, as well as serving as a notification of
- which objects are known doubles or multiples, along with some basic
- astrometric and astrophysical parameters. In addition, the WDS offers
- information on the amount of motion and frequency with which a given
- object has been observed, which is sufficient, in fact, to provide a
- basis for the construction of observational programs. Finally, the data
- can be used (with proper precautions) to analyze certain statistical
- properties of visual double stars. Of course, as has been true for many
- years, the individual measures of specific objects are available and
- will be supplied to requesters provided that the amount of data desired
- is reasonable.
- File Summary:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadMe 80 . This file
- wds.doc 80 285 WDS Catalog Documentation
- catalog.dat 84 78100 WDS Catalog
- notes.dat 80 8396 Notes to the WDS
- notesyns.dat 80 721 Notes (synonyms) to the WDS
- refs.dat 74 2181 Discoverer References
- disc.dat 50 65 Discoverer Codes (Additional)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- See also:
- I/211 : CCDM (Components of Double and Multiple stars) (Dommanget+ 1994)
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: catalog.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 2 I2 h RAh *Right Ascension 2000 (hours)
- 3- 5 I3 0.1min RAdm *Right Ascension 2000 (minutes)
- 6 A1 --- DE- *Declination 2000 (sign)
- 7- 8 I2 deg DEd *Declination 2000 (degrees)
- 9- 10 I2 arcmin DEm *Declination 2000 (minutes)
- 11- 17 A7 --- DiscName *Discoverer Code & Number
- 18- 22 A5 --- Comp *Component Identification
- 24- 26 I3 a Date1 ?Date of first satisfactory
- observation (+1000)
- 27- 29 I3 a Date2 ?Date of last satisfactory
- observation (+1000)
- 30- 31 I2 --- NumObs *?Number of measures of the object
- 32- 34 A3 deg pa1 *Position Angle for Date1
- 35- 37 A3 deg pa2 *Position Angle for Date2
- 38- 42 F5.1 arcsec Sep1 *?Angular Separation for Date1
- 43- 47 F5.1 arcsec Sep2 *?Angular Separation for Date2
- 48- 52 F5.2 mag MagA ?Magnitude of component 1
- 53- 57 F5.2 mag MagB ?Magnitude of component 2
- 58- 66 A9 --- Sp *Spectral Types of Primary/Secondary
- 67- 70 I4 mas/a pmRA *?Proper Motion in Right Ascension
- 71- 74 I4 mas/a pmDE *?Proper Motion in Declination
- 75- 82 A8 --- DM *Durchmusterung Zone & Number
- 83- 84 A2 --- note *Notes
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note on RAh, RAdm, DE-, DEd, DEm:
- The positions given represent our best estimates of these values. Where
- possible, these are based on the ACRS and PPM data, with proper motion
- incorporated. (Code "p" in cols. 79-80).
- Note on DiscName:
- The discoverer, identified by a one-to-three letter code, and the
- discoverer's number, if assigned. The reference list ("wdsref.dat")
- should be consulted first to identify individuals. However, some
- discoverer designations do not appear in this list, for various reasons,
- and a supplementary list is provided (wdsrefa.dat").
- Note on Comp:
- Components, when the object has more than two. The Lick IDS scheme has
- been discontinued, and components are now referred to by the
- traditionally employed lower-case letters. The rather awkward upper-case
- designations, e.g. ABXC, have been changed to the form AB-C, etc. We
- have noted some confusion on the part of observers and students alike,
- as to how to designate components in multiple systems. Traditionally,
- these have been designated in order of separation, thus AB, AC,...., or
- in the cases where close pairs are observed blended, AB-C, AB-D,.... In
- some instances, differing resolution limits produce situations where
- observations are intermixed, thus AC, AB-C, and so forth. (In all too
- many cases, carelessness on the part of the observer does not permit us
- to determine with certainty how the observation is to be interpreted).
- There are also many instances where later observations have revealed a
- closer companion; these are designated Aa, Bb, etc. In a few cases
- wider, later discoveries have also been so denoted.
- Note on NumObs:
- The number of measures of the object. When there are more than 99, the
- number 99 is used. For smaller numbers of observations, the value in
- these columns is intended to accurately reflect the actual number.
- Note on pa1 and pa2:
- Position angles in degrees for the dates listed in columns 24-29. For
- some pairs, the discoverers have given only crude estimates, such as NF
- or SP; in such cases these are listed. Position angles are unprecessed
- in this catalog (i.e. they are for the mean date of observation).
- Note on Sep1 and Sep2:
- The distances in seconds of arc, and tenths, for the dates listed in
- columns 24-29. Some separations are treated by the codes found in
- columns 79-80, or in the Notes. In cases where there has been no
- appreciable motion observed over the duration of observation, only one
- position angle and separation is listed.
- Note on Sp:
- Spectral type of A, or of two components, if space permits. (See
- "wdscat.doc" for discussion).
- Note on pmRA and pmDE:
- The components of the proper motion in seconds of arc per 1000 years, in
- right ascension reduced to great circle, and in declination.
- Specifically, this catalog lists 15mu(alpha)*cos(delta), where mu(alpha)
- is in seconds of time, and mu(delta) is in seconds of arc. Both
- quantities are reduced to a time unit of 1000 years. The exceptions are
- those objects coded P, Q, and R, for which an explanation is given under
- the description for Columns 79 and 80. + and - indicate eastward and
- westward motions in Right Ascension, and + and - those north and south
- in Declination.
- Note on DM:
- Durchmusterung number of the object in the system used by the Henry
- Draper Catalogue: Bonn from +89 degrees to -22 degrees inclusive,
- Cordoba from -23 degrees to -51 degrees inclusive, Cape Photographic
- from -52 degrees to -89 degrees inclusive. When a star is not contained
- in the Durchmusterung proper to its declination zone, but is contained
- in another Durchmusterung, this is so indicated in the Notes. Other
- components having different Durchmusterung numbers are also indicated in
- the Notes ("notesmn.dat").
- Note on note:
- The following codes are contained in these columns:
- N: Notes found in the Notes table.
- O: Orbit. Where motion has exceeded 360 degrees, no
- values are listed in the position angle and separation
- columns. Orbits may be found in the "Fourth
- Catalog of Orbits of Visual Binary Stars" (Worley
- and Heintz, 1983), and in the Information Circulars
- published by Commission 26 of the IAU, as well as
- in the literature.
- P: 100 year proper motion in right ascension.
- Q: 100 year proper motion in declination.
- R: 100 year proper motion in right ascension and
- declination.
- a: Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the
- discoverer's regular numbering system.
- r: Pair was listed, but in a "rejected" list, not part
- of the discoverer's regular numbering sequence.
- s: Pair has other discoverer's designations and numbers
- in the literature due to duplicate discovery.
- We have given credit to the earliest discovery
- observation (and correct identification) reported
- in the literature. The List of Synonyms follows the
- List of Additional Discoverers.
- p: Coordinates and proper motions from the ACRS, PPM,
- IRS, and FK5 catalogs.
- 6: Separation given in minutes of arc rather than se-
- conds.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of files: notes*.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 2 I2 h RAh *Right Ascension 2000 (hours)
- 4- 7 F4.1 min RAm *Right Ascension 2000 (minutes)
- 9 A1 --- DE- *Declination 2000 (sign)
- 10- 11 I2 deg DEd *Declination 2000 (degrees)
- 13- 14 I2 arcmin DEm *Declination 2000 (minutes)
- 16- 23 A8 --- DiscName *Discoverer Code & Number
- 24 A1 --- Cont *[+] Continuation flag
- 25- 80 A56 --- Text *Text of Note
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note on RAh, RAm, DE-, DEd, DEm:
- The positions given represent our best estimates of these values. Where
- possible, these are based on the ACRS and PPM data, with proper motion
- incorporated. There may be several lines per system, see Cont
- Note on DiscName:
- The discoverer, identified by a one-to-three letter code (see wdsref.dat
- and wdsrefa.dat for the meaning), and the discoverer's number, if
- assigned. The reference list ("wdsref.dat") should be consulted first to
- identify individuals. However, some discoverer designations do not
- appear in this list, for various reasons, and a supplementary list is
- provided ("wdsrefa.dat").
- Note on Cont:
- The + indicates that a continuation exists on the next line:
- only the last line of the comment has this flag set to blank.
- Note on Text:
- We have extensively revised the Notes to include much more information
- on orbital motion and multiplicity (including astrometric, photometric,
- and spectroscopic), variability, composite spectra, etc. In the case
- where an orbit exists for a pair, we give the period (P) and the
- semi-major axis (a) in seconds of arc, plus an indication of the
- direction of motion.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: refs.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 3 A3 --- Disc Discoverer Code
- 4- 5 I2 --- RefNo Reference number of publication
- 7- 24 A18 --- Obs Observer(s)
- 25- 80 A56 --- Publ Publication reference for measures
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: disc.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 3 A3 --- Disc Discoverer Code
- 4- 80 A77 --- Obs Observer
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- History:
- * 02-Oct-1996: Catalogue prepared by G.G. Douglass [U.S. Naval Observatory]
- * 26-Sep-1997: For 5 stars, the erroneous magnitudes were corrected
- (concerns WDS J04497+1554, J06283+0155, J12500+4708, J19344+0824
- and J23126+0241)
- Acknowledgement:
- The ADC thanks Dr. Douglass for not only forwarding the Washington
- Double Star Catalog and the accompanying documentation in good shape
- but also for forwarding a revised version correcting the few mistakes
- discovered in the first version.
- ================================================================================
- (End) G. G. Douglass [U.S. Naval Observatory] 02-Oct-1996